
Welcome to the Wokingham Afternoon WI.  We are now into our 9th year as a WI, with approximately 60 members. We can always take a few more, so we would invite anyone who might be interested in joining us, to come along as a visitor to our monthly meetings and listen to our speakers. You can attend up to 3 meetings prior to putting your name down.

Many of our members have had full careers and are keen to socialise and make new friends, so don’t be concerned about coming alone.  We are a very friendly, chatty group.

As we continue to grow and develop, our members are actively starting new groups and we have a book group, monthly coffee meeting, Ladies on their own (LOTO) Sunday lunch, a sew knit and natter group and we organise various outings to gardens, theatres and other places of interest. The WI has a varied membership base and we aim to appeal to all ages and interests, so come along and be willing to make friends and help occasionally or regularly.  Do you have skills to share?  We’d love to know about them. So please visit us, we hope to see you soon…………..

For more information please email:  wokinghamafternoonwi@berkshirewi.co.uk

Linda Williams


Wokingham Afternoon WI