Future events

The following events are open to members and non members and their friends and family unless otherwise stated.

A BFWI events application form must be completed and posted or emailed to the Organiser of the Event, the form can be found under Forms, Enclosures and Downloads

Please contact WI House on 0118 933 3448 or the event organiser for more details

Federation Event

Treasurers Workshop

Saturday 12th October 10.30 - 2.30 Mortimer West End Village Hall RG7 2HZ  Cost£10 per WI which includes tea/coffee and cake

Please apply using the Berkshire Events Application Form, available from your WI Secretary or download from this website.  The form gives you the payment options.

Please apply promptly, full details in the Berkshire News.

Federation Event

Speakers Selection Audition Meeting

Speakers Selection Audition Tuesday 17th October at Grazeley Village Hall RG7 1LD.  11.00 a.m. - 12.30  p.m.                           Price £6.00 per person to include tea and coffee -  please bring your own mug.

Come along to hear new speakers audition for entry into the Berkshire Federation Yearbook.  Please apply using the Berkshire Events Application Form, available from your WI Secretary or download from this website.  The form gives you the payment options.

Please apply promptly, full details in the Berkshire News.

Federation Event

Willow Weaving for Christmas

Friday 25th October  10.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. Padworth Village Hall RG7 5HY Price £25.00 to include all materials, tea/coffee and cake.

Due to popular demand following a very successful Willow Workshop in 2023 Mary Sibley is returns to tutor a "Willow Weaving for Christmas" workshop.  Please bring a packed lunch and a mug for beverages.

Please apply promptly, only 25 spaces available, using the Berkshire Events Application Form, available from your WI Secretary or download from this website.  The form gives you the payment options.  Full details are in the Berkshire News.

Federation Event

Annual Council Meeting

The Berkshire Federation of WIs Annual Council Meeting will be at the Michael Malnick Centre, Leighton Park School on          Friday 25th April 2025 10.30 a.m. - 1.00 p.m.