Downloads & Patterns

Please click on the form title you require and you will be taken via a link to that form, ready for printing or emailing.

Please note that we are unable to offer refunds on events - this is because we have to book our speakers and venues several months in advance, so need to know that we have made enough sales to fund the event.  If you cannot attend please try and find another member to use your place.

Why do we ask for Emergency Contact Details? The form you download for attending a Federation event requires you to fill in your emergency contact details.  This is in case you become unwell or have an accident, it is imperative that those authorised to hold your information are able to contact your emergency contact as quickly as possible.

Your contact details are kept confidentially and only accessible to those in authority. This information is shredded after each event. Thank you for your understanding.

Application Form for all BFWI events
Please complete and post or email to the organiser of any BFWI events.  Details of how to pay for events is shown on this form.

Berkshire Events Application Form 2024

Berkshire Events Application Form - Coach - 2024

New Member Packs

Berkshire Federation New Members Pack

Form to provide feedback about Speakers

The purpose of this form is to find out about speakers used by your WI.  If you have concerns about any of the speakers from the Berkshire Year Book, or would like to recommend a new speaker who is not currently in the Year Book yet, please fill in the form.

Report on Speakers
Patterns for the Royal Berkshire Hospital and West Berkshire Community Hospital
Knitted Dignity Shawl & Knee Blanket
Fast  and Easy Teddy knitting pattern
Eye Masks for patients pattern
Knitted Nurse
Knitted Kola, Bunny, Piglet, Panda
Knitted Dementia Armbands
Knitted Dementia Dolls
Knitted Hearts
Knitted Monkey
Bereavement Bags Image
Comfort Bags Image
Twiddle Muff
Crochet Breast