About Us

Our regular monthly meeting is on the second Thursday in every month at the Catholic Church Hall, Bath Road, Thatcham at 7.30pm.   At most meetings we have a speaker - please see our 2024/25 Programme for further details.

We are a friendly and welcoming group with over 60 members of all ages.  Visitors are always very welcome at our meetings for £4 per visit and can attend up to 3 times before joining

As a member you will have access to our clubs - Book Club, Craft Club, Walking Group, Gardening Group, Film Club and Coffee Mornings

2024 membership is £48.00 covering all monthly speaker meetings and National and Berkshire Federation magazines.  You will need to complete the Membership Application Form and Gift Aid Form.   Gift Aid is only applicable if you have paid at least as much in Income Tax or Capital Gains Tax in that tax year as you want to claim in Gift Aid.

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Our email address is regularly checked so we will come back to you quickly, if needed thatchamwi@berkshirewi.co.uk

You can download the Member Registration form and send to  thatchamwi@berkshirewi.co.uk You will also need to complete the Membership Application form which is obtainable from the Membership Secretary c/o thatchamwi@berkshirewi.co.uk

In October we celebrate the start of Thatcham WI with a Birthday Party.