
Thursday 10th May 2.00 pm


Anne Lay:

Creating Fondant Roses

TUESDAY 12th June 2.00 pm

OUTING to Cumberland Lodge

Windsor Great Park

Matthew Hancock

Thursday 12th July 2.00 pm

Cheryl Mathews:

Being a Maidenhead Community Responder

Thursday 9th August 2.00 pm


Thursday 13th September 2.00 pm

The Rev. Dr Nicholas Henderson:

How to Read the English country Church

Thursday 11th October 2.00 pm

Tracy Elizabeth Blaney:

Head Candy

Thursday 8th November 2.00 pm

Lionel Williams:

The History of Reading Hospitals


Christmas Lunch

(Date and Venue to be announced)


Thursday 10th January 2.00 pm

Keith Broady:

Keeping Bees

Thursday 14th February 2.00 pm

Tony Weston:

Mushrooms and a Marathon

Thursday 14th March 2.00 pm

Rev. David Downing:

Two Sisters of Detroit