Events at Home
Events at Home
This new subcommittee is charged with the task of staging countywide events for all Berkshire Federation WI members on line Via Zoom.
During this time of lockdown and stay at home the Federation subcommittees have not been able to arrange their usual talks in village halls. And although we can shop and go to the gym it is still not possible to hold events whilst maintaining social distancing. Some of you may still feel more comfortable away from crowded venues for some time to come. Individual WIs managed to continue via Zoom or Teams and hence the Federation decided to add to this.
Our first event was a lively talk by Thatcham recycling champion, Jana Little. She talked to us of how she has been recycling just about everything for years and shared her enthusiasm for this urgent topic.
Our second talk was by Alice Sedgewick of Target Ovarian Cancer. This subject was special because it is one of our 2021 Resolutions. She spoke movingly and clearly about this cancer which in its early stages has no particular symptoms – all the initial symptoms can be explained too easily as something much less serious. (After the talk she has sent very useful informative material. If you would like me to send this on to your WI, please email me).
For our second talk we tried out Eventbrite – a company which advertises events and also manages the sale and collection of cost of the ticket. Our early events we planned to be free of charge but later we will be booking events where we will have to share the costs with you. We hope to publish a programme of events in the future to enable you to plan which ones you would like to attend.
Our Chairman, Mavis Greenhalgh of Falklands WI, has not been able to visit WIs in situ and is now hosting Coffee mornings, afternoon teas and maybe a cocktail hour for those of you who work or have other commitments during the day.
If you have any queries, please contact me.
Christina Castle Chairman
email address