About Us
Lambourn WI was formed in 1921, which means that our centenary is not far off.
Unfortunately records for the period prior to the end of the second war have been lost, although we have been able to find a few snippets of news in the historic records of the Newbury Weekly News, the Reading Chronicle and Swindon Advertiser. We hope to add to these records over time.
You don’t need to be an expert cook, baker or crafty wizard to join us. We are a small friendly branch, open to anyone interested in learning, socialising and contributing to the community. Although some of us have craft interests and cooking or baking skills, we can assure you that these are definitely not obligatory!
As our programme for the current year indicates, we offer a wide range of very interesting talks, meals out and outings. We are planning a summer outing to Kew this year.
We also organise a Lambourn WI holiday. This year we shall be joined by a few friends on a Pennine Explorer by coach, train and boat.
There is an annual Group Meeting with other W.I.s in the area, and invitations to some of their events. There is always the chance to circulate and make friends at all W.I. events.
Membership of a large national organisation provides us with the opportunity to attend county events across the Berkshire Federation, as well as national events at Denman College near Abingdon. These can cover anything from learning a craft to a language, joining hands-on cookery classes or going on historical discovery walks around Oxford, for example. We are particularly fortunate to be within a few miles of Denman College, which gives us easy access to the regular Day Schools held there, as well as longer residential courses.
Find us on Facebook for reports of our recent activities.